Nikita FREEBOID Khudiakov

CryptoArt Ukraine community / NFT in the context of war

CryptoArt Ukraine is a community I started early 2021. Currently it is 1000+ members including 200+ artists. During the war we helped the artistic community with mini-grants, psychological support, logistical and organisational support to evacuate artists and their families and of course fundraising campaigns to support Ukrainian military and humanitarian organisations. There are lots of insight in this unique and dramatic experience we can share with web3 community and we hope it could be an inspiring information that is showing how web3 communities could provide a lot of value and help in the ever-changing world.

I’m a media artist based in Kharkiv (Ukraine) mainly working with XR, AV and generative art. Managing VR art festivals, developing art communities (XR Art Ukraine and CryptoArt Ukraine), building virtual galleries in the metaverse. Virtual experience Metacouncil was presented at Ars Electronica 2020 (In Kepler’s Gardens). Teaching XR art at Karazin University in Kharkiv, managing and participating in audio-visual jam sessions with electronic music and visual art, curating online exhibitions. As an artist, I’m focused on topics of ecological issues, mental health and speculative futures. Passionate about the intersection of arts, social projects, technologies and futurology.

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Founder of CryptoArt Ukraine community, multidisciplinary artist, art collector, educator, art curator


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Nikita FREEBOID Khudiakov

Some of our speakers

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Philipp Köhn
CXO and Co-founder twelve by twelve GmbH
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Leo Hilse
Entrepreneur: Metaverse (Web3.0) & Crypto Family Office
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Dirk Lueth
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Dimitris Tsapis
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